Jul 1, 2024
26 stories
Sade ending to what looked like true love.
Dedicated to a dear friend who needed help and didn't get it in time.
Wolfe Junior High's finest half-hour.
To one of the only teacher's who showed any interest in me. Not that I deserved it.
Why this guy isn't famous is one of life's many mysteries.
Nice story in a "sport" with very few nice stories.
Original content from my now defunct Andy Kaufman Home Page.
All we need is the music to go along with the words. In the Key of E.
Actual events never before revealed.
Original content from my now defunct Andy Kaufman Home Page.
Original content from my now defunct Andy Kaufman Home Page.
Original content from my now defunct Andy Kaufman Home Page.
Center Line High School's finest furry freak.